Graduate Stories


Linda Newton

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John Cooper
Hello, my name is John Cooper. And thanks to the Guide Dog Foundation I am fortunate to be partnered with a wonderful guide dog named Clark. I was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) as a child. My parents chose not to share that with me, so throughout my childhood I was open to trying different activities. Read more...
Taylor Franks
My name is Taylor Frank and I’m writing to share with you how my guide dog, Taupe, has impacted my life. By the time I was nine-or-ten-years-old, I’d already decided that I wanted a guide dog. Although I have some vision, I’ve been blind my entire life and even attended a school for the blind. I had a cane, which I hated, so, I began thinking about getting a guide dog. I knew how smoothly and easily people could move with a guide dog by their side and I wanted one of my own. Read full story...