"I have received 5 guides from the guide dog foundation:

   Kim  August 1976

   Esther  May 1987

   Daisy  October 2000

   Marchon  February 2013

   Lancelot  January 2023

In October of 2019 my husband Greg and I retired to San Tan Valley, Arizona. Leaving behind us a very active life of raising 5 sons, having vocal performance careers, and busily volunteering for church, community and scouts.

Whether your schedule is jam packed with activities, full of adventures and surprises, relaxing and leisurely, or your routine is hectic or easy going, your pup doesn’t care. They just want to do and be with you. They love to serve; they love to be needed; they love you and want to be an integral part of your life.

I am so grateful for my 5 guides who have brought joy and laughter along my journey from a college girl, a career woman, wife, mom, grandma, and now a retired senior. Each dog adding their unique companionship and personality, giving freedom, independence, and mobility, increasing confidence, security, safety, and self worth.

They have deeply touched my heart and my soul as only dogs can do with their service, love, loyalty, trust and devotion. I have been truly blessed, and

I know that after each dog has moved on I’ve become a much better person by having been their handler."  - Linda Newton, Guide Dog Foundation graduate