Home Socialization Quick Pointers


  • The pup can only be in your home, car, and relieving area.
    • The pup is not fully vaccinated and cannot be exposed to the yard, grass, public areas, etc.
  • Give the pup time to explore and check everything out safely
    • Follow behind them and see what attempts they make to explore alone
  • If the pup seems overwhelmed give them quiet time in their crate
  • Allow interaction with family, friends, and safe family pets
    • Don't swarm or overwhelm the pup, but allow social interaction


  • Give busy breaks frequently on a hard, dry surface like a road, driveway, or pavement
    • Remember to clean the area with a 30:1 bleach solution before and after the pups are with you!
  • Praise the pup outside right after they have busied with food, verbal praise, and petting
  • Take the pup to the same spot every time
    • Should be quiet and as distraction free as possible


  • Brief socialization with new noises, people, or exposures
    • Less than 15 minutes
  • Observe body language and behavior
    • What changes did you see with a new exposure or environment?
    • How quickly did it go back to their normal body language?
  • Support without forcing or coddling
  • Praise, praise, praise!
    • The more a puppy gets rewarded the more they will offer that behavior and become confident and understand that you are looking for good behavior.
  • Use food, fun toys, and a happy voice to encourage
    • Praise any attempts at exploration when the puppy seems uncomfortable or nervous
  • Always end on a positive note when finishing sessions.
    • If the pup gets overwhelmed reward any attempt at investigating or listening to you and then end the session.
  • As the pup gets older start directing the sessions more with teaching their name, walking on leash, and taking kibble politely.
    • Set the expectation that listening to the handler is encouraged and desired
  • Remember that pups absorb and take in their environment all the time
    • A pup’s behavior might change in a positive or negative way when revisiting exposures


  • Fill the worksheet out before returning the puppy to the boarding kennel
    • Add any notes or observation you feel are necessary to help us better place the puppy with the best fit puppy raiser.
  • Keep active learning sessions with you under 15minutes
    • If the pup is overwhelmed make the sessions shorter
  • Pick 2-3 objectives to briefly work on for success and retention
  • Track any changes, improvement, sensitivities, fears, etc. so we can thoroughly assess the puppy’s temperament
  • Observe the pup’s independent exploration and play time with other dogs