History of GivingTuesday

What Is GivingTuesday?
#GivingTuesday is a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to nonprofit organizations in one day – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. According to the official organization, GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It’s now an independent nonprofit, but the movement is intended to be used as a platform for any and all nonprofit organizations who wish to participate.
Back Story
After realizing how popular Black Friday and its marketing campaigns had become, in 2005, the National Retail Federation introduced Cyber Monday, though its popularity has only skyrocketed in recent years. Side note - Readers Digest has an interesting read on Cyber Monday.
Years later, it makes sense that after a long weekend of massive spending and consumption, a day of encouraging people to give back could really work; and it has. From 2012 to 2020, #givingtuesday campaigns have brought in around $1.9 billion dollars in donated funds – those funds used for positive impact that can’t possibly be calculated. Nonprofit organizations around the globe put together email, social marketing, and website campaigns to raise awareness for their cause, in hopes of attracting donations. It’s a great platform to pitch new ideas and reach new audiences with the difference these organizations are making in the lives of people, animals, and more.
Our Mission
Guide Dog Foundation will be participating in #GivingTuesday to raise money for our passion – providing guide dogs at no cost to individuals who are blind or have low vision. We have been doing this successfully for over 75 years and have received a Candid GuideStar Platinum rating.
Here is what some of our graduates have to say about the difference their guide dog is making:
“If I didn’t have Radar, I would have to glide against the wall and bump into a bunch of things and it would honestly be pretty impossible for me to find the elevator without asking for help because I have no eyes. So he’s pretty much like my eyes.” - Anastasia Pagonis
“I don’t worry about what I don’t have control of,” he says. “I go forward with what I can do.” And Skittles, his guide dog, “has been a tremendous gift.” - Devin
Within the first week of training, Andre says, “I knew the dog was going to help me be more independent and confident.” One of the things he loves about most is that she keeps up with him. “She moves fast, which is exactly what I wanted with this dog.” - Andre
How to Help
Giving to Guide Dog Foundation means helping to improve the quality of life for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other special needs. Giving doesn't always have to be monetary. We have several ways to give, including donating items needed for our puppies in training and volunteering with us. One of our most immediate volunteer needs is for puppy raisers. Click here to learn more about joining our puppy raising team in your area! Read more about how we accomplish our mission by visiting the About Us page. To participate in GivingTuesday, click here.